Friday, March 23, 2007

Leeds (not Leeds)

Remember the band Was (not Was)? Well, it was Leeds Castle in Kent (not in Leeds) we visited last weekend.. countless tourists have been confused over how Londoners can fit in a day trip to Leeds Castle when Leeds is in North London.. FYI Kent is only an hour's drive from (the right side of) London..

Castle was well pretty as it's set on 2 man-made (I think!) islands but I think our pictures turned out pretty well too!

Wah, cool photo.. Looks like a cover shot of one of America's newest hot TV sitcom!

Not sure why we were all grinning ear to ear!

Me as new 'Mo-dell' for Pantene Ad (as the wind blows my hair..)

Bok's usual look of fright when I'm coming at him! how funny are our expressions??

Awww, how sweet...

Idea for new Flatmo in Singapore.. I also really dig her shoes!

After (more than) one coin-toss, we headed to Dover as our next stop to see the White Cliffs and to check out the seagulls (if any)..

Nothing too fantastic up front but we did catch a glimpse of them when the sun was shining down hard, and man were they white......!

After stopping to grab some pub grub and a pint of Guiness to celebrate Paddy's Day, our last stop was Canterbury Cathedral, one of the oldest and most famous largest cathedrals in the UK. Very very pretty indeed and also rather goth for the UK!