Apologies for the half a year catch up on this..2nd stop - Bai Tu Long BayVessel of choice is the Lagoon Explorer, there were 4 guests in total, that is one less than the number of staff onboard - Captain, Engineer, Waiter, Tour Guide and Chef. We picked the Lagoon Explorer over the bigger luxury boats as its size allowed it to traverse around Bai Tu Long Bay, which in turn allowed us to ditch the other tourist boats crowding in Halong Bay.
The Lagoon Explorer drinking Vietnamese whiskey with the boat staff
outdrinking and out-"chăm phần chăm"-ing Captain
("chăm phần chăm"! - translates to "Bottoms Up"!)
kayaking, kayaking, and kayaking
visiting a cave during our kayaking trip
spotted during kayaking - it's a baboon, can you see it?
jumping off the roof of the Explorer (ok this should actually be a low-light for me, I was scared shitless!)
dinner in a cave, accompanied by stalactites and stalagmites, AND resident bats
"chăm phần chăm"-ing in the cave whilst dancing to techno music with the staff and belting out national songs

giving Chef a hand with the cooking..
dinner with candlelights everywhere
carvings by Chef
visiting the school at a floating village
having a go at rowing a boat (I did not get very far at all)
first i had a go.. .... rowing around in circles!!
then Bok had a go.. .... rowing around in bigger circles!! check out Ms Nyugen laughing in the background
finally back to Ms Nyugen, sun was setting by then!
floating market
our neighbours at night - boat people
fab views